
Saturday, January 3, 2015

Let's Draw

My book, Drawing for the Absolute Beginner by Willenbrink has taught me a lot of drawing lessons that I didn't know before. I still have a lot of mistakes in my drawings, but with more observation and practice I will develop better drawing skills each time I draw.

I decided to draw still life for this last post. From Hannah's post, I learned that still life is any "inanimate object"(Sketching a Still Life by Hannah Lin). Still life objects help with observing the play of light and shadows (92). I decided to draw fruits, apples and bananas. For this drawing I used 4B, HB, and 6B pencils.

First I did the basic structure of apples and bananas.
I showed where the brightest spots(on apples) are going to be and the shadows.
Then, I added value to apples and I used 4B and HB pencils for this.
Next, I added some depth to bananas by making darker lines in the middle. This adds more dimension. I also added shadows to apples and bananas. Closer to the apple is the darkest spots of the shadow and lightest spots are farther from the apple.

Here is my finished drawing, I added more depth and value to it. I really enjoyed drawing this even though it were some boring fruits. I learned how to add depth and value to the drawing so it would look realistic.

What are the most hardest skills for you to achieve and why?
What are your favorite still life objects are and that you like to draw?


  1. Hi Elvira!

    Wow...your drawing is incredible!!! It almost looks like a black and white photograph.
    Even though your drawing was of "boring fruits," the depth and value in it made the drawing a lot more interesting.

    For me, I find it most difficult to create realistic dimension, depth, and value in my drawings.
    My favorite still life objects to draw/sketch are: flowers, fruits, and cups.

    Great post! I learned a lot.

    ~Hannah :)

    1. Thank you :) and I really like your posts too, thank you :) I like to draw cups too, and now I like to draw fruits! I am still learning how to do depth and value the right way too, so for me it is still difficult to use these skills, but hopefully I can get to a point where it will be easier and better! Thank you :)

  2. Hi Elvira! Nice post and amazing drawing! To answer your question i think i struggle in including detail into a drawing. I also struggle with knowing how to make a drawing more realistic, but your post has helped me a lot with that. I tend to find myself drawing spheres and flowers all the time.

    1. Thank you, Kaitlyn! When I struggle with including more details I observe an object for couple minutes to see all the shapes and shadings that an object has. Then I start drawing. This helps me get more details for my drawing. I like drawing spheres and flowers, too! Drawing apples also is a good practice for drawing realistic. Apple is an easy object to draw, that includes simple shape but, adding value to it is a lot harder to do. I personally think, that value is what makes an object real and dimensional. Thank you for commenting on my post! :)
