
Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Environmental Hair

I'm back with another hair post. We live in Seattle, we get a lot of rain and a little sun. But did you know that the environment can actually be harmful to your hair! In Glamour's Beauty and Health Book they say that "Particles of soot, grime, smog, attach to hair, especially if it's oily"(63). I never knew that pollution could have an effect on your hair. Imagine what your hair would look like if you lived in high populated industrial areas like Los Angeles and Beijing. Not only does pollution affect your hair but so does the weather. "Sun is the worst enemy of hair. It can lighten the natural color, change the tone of colored hair, making it dull or brassy or bringing out reddish tints"(62). In the summer some people find that their hair lightens maybe even the ends get blonde instead of brown, and this is because of the sun and the summer activities that we participate in.

This is a picture of the air pollution in Beijing China
This is a picture, taken by yours truly, that depicts what the weather is mostly like in Seattle
My questions of the day are, does your hair lighten in the summer? and do you think that pollution really does affect your hair?

The Editors of Glamour Magazine, ed. Glamour's Beauty & HealthBook. New York:
     Condé Nast Publications, 1972. Print.


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