
Monday, January 19, 2015

Light, Camera, Action

"The biggest cliche in photography is sunrise and sunset." - Catherine Opie 

The most important aspect of photography is light. Capturing photos takes a lot of practice, but developing your eye when it comes to light can guarantee a great image. Look at any photograph and you can see that the light can make the image more interesting, or more unique. Taking tips from Martina Holmberg, she states that "Photography is all about light" (101). She talks about the best times to take pictures is in the morning and just before sunset, what this does is create long shadows and it gives the image a different dimension.

 What types of subjects can you photograph when it comes to light? Basically anything is the answer. Light can create drama and even a story. "It's light that creates mood, sculpts form, and provides character." (Holmberg 101) Martina states that light can change your picture drastically. She talks about how when light changes so does your image; you could take a picture and then take the same picture 10 minutes later and it would be a different type of picture.

Q; What is your opinion? Do you think more or less light is better?

Citation: Holmberg, Martina. Sixty Tips for Creative iPhone Photography. Santa Barbara, CA: Rocky Nook Inc. 2012


  1. Your pictures are amazing! I tend to like pictures with less light because the shadows and darkness create a cool effect. I also like pictures with less light because the little light that is in it is highlighted making it beautiful. But pictures with light are great too.

    1. Thanks Madison! I totally agree with what you're saying, using little light can show so much more focus on the subject, I'll definitely try to take some photos like that sometime

  2. I'm not sure if less light or more light is better, it probably depends on the subject in the photo and what type of mood you are trying to display. Although, I personally like the lighting in the photos on the right more than those on the left. I think that this is because in the city pictures, the one on the right has more of a gold tint to it. And for your second set of pictures, I like the one on the right more because you get the sun's rays and not just a bright ball. Also the cloud silhouettes and the little bit of the light's reflection on the water contrasts well with the blue sky. Nice photography Isabelle, keep it up!

    1. Thanks Brooke! I also really like city pictures, I find them super interesting because of all of the different types of buildings that you can take photos of and because all cities are different. I also find it kind of difficult when deciding whether more light or less light is better, because both are unique in their own ways.

  3. I do a lot of photography for my business and have experimented with a lot of lighting options. I have found that natural light is best and that you don't want the light to be too harsh - I also always go for dusk and dawn if I can.

    1. I find that really true, especially when it comes to photography. I think that natural light is always the best light. I also agree that lighting shouldn't be too strong, mostly because it shouldn't overpower the photo.

  4. When it comes to photography, natural lighting is always the best, for one it always comes out great and two, because of its natural lighting, there is no need for editing! Lighting may not be perfect but, natural lighting can always come in handy
