
Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Foods with Pesticides

Joel Fuhrman, the author of The Cure Of Diabetes Warns that many fruits are coated with or have absorbed various chemicals and pesticides when grown. The EPA has reported that the pesticides used are possible causes of brain cancer.
Now because it has not been confirmed nothing will happen, but Joel warns and recommends that we try to stay away from pesticide laden foods just to be safe. Different fruits are exposed to different amounts of pesticides. "It should be recognized that fruits and vegetables are not all subject to the same pesticide exposure" (Fuhrman 203). This means some are safer to eat then others.
He also says that we should "try to eat organic foods to limit our exposure to the toxic chemicals. Cutting out processed foods, canned foods, and animal products can also help keep us away from the chemicals." (Fuhrman 204)
A few of the foods with the lowest pesticide usage are onions, sweet corn, pineapple, avocado, and cabbage.
A few that are exposed  the most pesticide use are apples, celery, bell peppers, peaches, and strawberries.
I am personally unsure whether or not the pesticides effect us, because some argue that the amounts are not substantial enough to make a difference. Also organic foods tend to cost more.
What are your views on the organic vs. processed food debate?

Fuhrman, Joel. The End of Diabetes: The Eat to Live Plan to Prevent and Reverse Diabetes. N.p.: n.p., n.d. Print.


  1. Interesting post! Personally, I don't care much about where I get my food from, as long as it tastes good and isn't too unhealthy. Organic is nice when it's not over-priced, but if it costs $6.00 for a pound of organic strawberries then I'll just buy the normal ones for less. Depending on the product of course, I generally don't think there is much of a difference between organic vs. processed foods in both taste and quality, so I just get the cheaper one, which is usually processed.

    1. I know what you mean. When we go to the store we do not really think about any of that stuff. The scientists are mixed on what they say so I do not know who to believe.
