
Thursday, January 22, 2015

Overcoming Procrastination

After trying these new techniques you may find yourself retreating and resisting change. That's natural as Jane B. Burka, PhD & Lenora M. Yuen, PhD state "Change is tough. The body creates neural paths ways with chemically makes habits difficult to overcome". Keep working on your procrastination, always push though. If procrastination is truly a problem for you here are some for helpful tips.


  • If you find yourself getting distracted, remove yourself from that environment.
  • If there are other noises that you find respectively distract you from the task at hand, put some head phones on or move to a quieter area.
  • Almost everyone these days has a phone, that can be a big source of distraction. Social media can be tempting, but try to put down your phone. Use the excuse, it needs to charge for a bit and don't look at until you're done. Use your phone as a reward for completing your task.

Procrastination by Jane B. Burka, PhD & Lenora M. Yuen, PhD, as increased my knowledge about human phycology and behavior immensely. Interestingly enough, the whole idea of overcoming procrastination is a bit like training a dog. In rudimentary form, we are rewarding ourselves for completing small parts of big tasks, just like your would reward your dog if he/she sat when you told her to sit. We are organisms driven by desire. Dopamine is our dog treat.

I hope you are successful in overcoming your procrastination. Keep trying!


  1. Procrastination has always been a problem for me. One thing that helps for me is to work in intervals with breaks in between. Have you ever tried this? Did it work for you?
