The stepover is one of the most commonly used moved in soccer.
In my book Essential Soccer Skills by Bob Bridle , he talks about the unique move similar to the stepover called the Rivelino. In the book it is considered a type of stepover; it's one that I have never heard of before. I decided to focus on this section to understand how to perform this move. This book states about this particular move, "In this variation of the stepover, named after the Brazilian winger, the legs move around the ball in the opposite direction, that is from outside to inside. The Rivelino requires precise balance" (Bridle 85). He talks about the importance of faking out the defender in order to get past and score to win.
There is also a version of this move I know about that involves going in the air after the ball, winning it, and controlling it continuing into the Rivelino move. I have tried this move many times during the games and taking the information the book gave me, I began succeeding at the move.
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