
Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Healthy Eyes

My last post is about eyes, more specifically how your eyes can help tell if you're healthy or not. Eyes are a pair of globular organs in the head through which people and animals see. Now we all know about how dark circles under our eyes could be a sign that we need more sleep, but what are some of the other things eyes can tell us? One of the things that my book talks about is how the eyes can tell an optomitrist if you have high blood pressure. "Swelling in your eye's blood vessels or optic nerve, it might indicate a blood pressure problem"(108).They also mention that the eyes can be an early detection to diabetes. "Leaky blood vessels in the eye might mean the you're diabetic or pre-diabetic. Because diabetes can eventually damage your vision, it's good to catch it early in order to manage the symptoms and preserve the sight"(110). All of these tips are very helpful and have made me start to examine my eyes. 
Here is a recent photo of my eye
I took a drawing of an eye and labeled a few of the basic components of the eye

As you can see I don't have any swelling or leaking blood vessels looks like my eyes healthy! If anything I have a few dark circles but they are not that bad, just a sign that I might need more rest. But how can anyone get rest it's Finals Week! Anyways my question of the day are, when is the last time you visited an optometrist? 

The Editors of Glamour Magazine, ed. Glamour's Beauty & HealthBook. New York:
     Condé Nast Publications, 1972. Print.


  1. I think the last time i visited an optometrist was when I was in kindergarten. But i think i need to visit again soon because I can tell already that my eye sight is getting worse.

    1. Hi Christene! I to found that last year my eyesight was blurry and as you might already know I now where Glasses/Contacts. I would definitely go, and trust me glasses can be stylish! Thanks again for commenting on my blog :)

  2. I've never visited an optometrist before. Is this bad? Do optometrists need regular check-ups like dentists do?
