
Monday, January 30, 2017

One Arm Dumbbell row

One-Arm dumbbell row/row bent-over dumbbell row
One of the parts of our body that needs the most attention is our back. The back is important because it holds our entire bodies together as well as contains our nerves which are what allow us to move. Because of this I like to make sure my back is in tip top shape by doing the one arm dumbbell row. As seen on page 78 the one arm dumbbell row uses several different muscles including the latissimus dorsi, teres major and minor and the deltoid. These muscles are what controls our range of motion and allows your back to twist from side to side. These are important because without them your back becomes weaker and your day to day life become more difficult. This is also a really good exercise because it strengthens it while it doesn’t have a high risk of hurting your back while most other back exercises do. This is shown on page 79 when Moran says: “This is a traditional exercise for beginners and experts alike and it allows you to lift considerable weight with little risk on your back” (79). This shows how it’s a good exercise for beginners as well because with the lessened chance of being hurt they are able to feel more comfortable with working out. Especially if they are new to working out and are looking for quick and simple exercises to help them get into a new routine. This is a good exercise for all people who work out too because they are able to add more weight if need be which helps to build the muscles up slowly without straining them or damaging them in some way. Do you agree that your back is a very important to have be strong?

Moran Oscar. Muscle Exercises Encyclopedia. Cape town: Meyer & Meyer Sport, 2012. Print.


  1. Yes, because the dances i have to do, require a lot of back strength

  2. This is one of my favorite moves! It's simple, and I feel the affects from it almost immediately! Always remember to push yourself and always try heavier weights, especially on an workout like this that can be done every day.

  3. I believe that your back is one of the more stronger muscles in the body, but i don't believe that it is the strongest. I think with the daily activity of a normal person, the strongest muscles in your body are the leg muscles
