
Tuesday, January 31, 2017

One on One Situation

As a goalkeeper it is very important that you are aware of everything that around you. You never know when you're going to have to come out for a One on One situation. This is very crucial to the gameplay because it means that the team attacking got past your whole team and you are the last resource to try and prevent them from scoring. You have to be in a ready position with a central point of balance locked, you don't want any weigh leaning to the sides as this can mess up your stance. Your chest should out and knees should be bent. Hand should be facing out. Your reflexes have to be ready since you don't know where the attacker will shoot until he actually does and most of the time it is 5 feet away from you. You also have to be ready to take any shot since they are that close in can end up in your face or body so you have to ready.

In the book 'Soccer for Dummies" Thomas Dunmore talks about the importance of reaction during a One on One Situation. "The most important thing is to quickly close the space between yourself and the attacker, but remain upright and in control of your momentum. Beyond that, there are a hundred variables, based on how fast the attacker is dribbling, the distance and angle they are from goal, how close your chasing defenders are, etc., and all of them have to be handled differently. But one constant is to get away from your goal line and close down the attacker" (Dunmore 39)
It is important to get away from the goal line that way you can create the illusion of yourself getting larger while the goal gets smaller.

Why is it important to be ready during a one on one?


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