
Tuesday, January 31, 2017

The key to long- term success

The one thing I genuinely appreciate Mark Lauren's book You Are Your Own Gym is that in it, he clarifies exactly what kind of exercise makes you lean, and what kind makes you look like Popeye after eating a can of spinach ( we will get back to this later). His big idea is that strength training (like pushups and pull-ups) makes you big, and cardiovascular training (aerobics, running, etc.) makes you lean (38). This is important to keep in mind when choosing your daily or weekly workout routine because you must have a goal or a realistic image in your head of what physique you hope to achieve. I decided in the beginning that I wanted to have a lean body, with a few target areas such as my stomach and my thighs to be more toned. So for this, I have been doing sets of my favorite exercises such as the pistol, or the one-legged squat, which simultaneously both work your core and your quads, hamstrings, glutes, lower back, and hip flexors (I have written blogs on both these forms). And on alternating days, I will do my favorite stretches and go running around my neighborhood if I have the time.

Another thing I admire about Mark Lauren’s book is that he also cracks the myth that dieting does much for you. He explains simply and clearly that your body slows down its metabolic rate in order to compensate for the intake of calories. When you starve your body, your metabolism slows down to preserve those calories. You may lose weight, but the reason so many people have gained previous lost weight is because once you resume a regular calorie intake, your metabolism stays slow, therefore, dieting is a definite no- go! Instead, he suggests going for small, but frequent meals, every 2-3 hours. “The key to long-term success” (38). Popeye was onto something with that spinach, it’s one of the most nutritious foods on earth, rich in most vitamins and necessary minerals you can name!


  1. hey Simona i really enjoy reading your blog, this taught me lost of lessons i will be using later in life, Thank You!
