
Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Classic crunch

An old favorite, for a reason. Everyone knows and can do a crunch. Lie flat on your back with your knees perpendicular to the ground and bring your chest to your knees. So simple and easy, yet it's so helpful when you are working on your upper abs (Lauren, 124). Although, if you've been following my blog from the beginning you know that I am not going for a washboard stomach. Which is why my weekly workout routine has 2 sets of 10 side crunches (pictured above) every workout. Because crunches focus on your rectus abdominis, you won't get the definition of man's stomach. If you are, go for the flutter kicks (Lauren, 125). Mark Laurens book You Are Your Own Gym has really helped me get back in shape, emotionally and physically. I am more energized than before, and I genuinely feel a whole lot better about my body. I have also found that exercising is a great way to channel and relieve my stress. A great improvement has been my sleep. I find that if I do a few sets of crunches, and some pistols (previous blog) that I fall asleep faster, and stay asleep. I recommend this book to anyone who is looking to see quick changes in their physique and overall health. 


  1. Crunches are a staple when it comes to the workout world. Implementing different aspects to the workout, such as medicine balls or even lifting your legs instead of your upper body can take your abs workout to the next level. Keep up the good work!
