
Wednesday, November 30, 2016

The art of NOT procrastinating

How to train your mind to not procrastinate; Your temperament

Procrastination gets to the best of us. It makes us postpone important things that we need to accomplish, and instead we waste time and are anxious about the things we need to accomplish. Procrastinators plan to do everything last minute, putting in little time and sloppy work to accomplish their tasks. The first step to stop procrastinating is to find your temperament. Temperament is the adjustment of intervals of a persons nature and how it affects their behavior. Finding your current temperament is determined by a variety of ways, the easiest is taking the "Kiersey Temperament Sorter" which is a simple test that will take your answers and determine your nature from what you selected. Once done with the Kiersey Sorter there is a variety of ways to start your path from not procrastinating, a cluster of which you don't need to train your mind at all. 

To start your path of stopping self procrastination you can begin by removing yourself from an area of which distractions may occur and placing yourself in a quiet working environment with little to no distractions, put your phone in a different area than that of which you are working in to prevent yourself from stopping your work, take intervals of time in which you allow yourself to take a break from working (it is important to have a set time for your breaks after a certain amount of time working and by the amount of work you have accomplished; it is also important that once your break is finished to come back into the working state and to remove yourself of distractions). Training your mind may vary depending on your temperament. For most temperaments there is a simple way to train your mind, it is with a rubber band (or someone to remind you and act as a discipline much like a rubber band). Keep a rubber band around your wrist and whenever you procrastinate, your mind will collate the pain with procrastination, and whenever you think about delaying your accomplishment of your tasks you will think about the pain. Doing this will benefit your work ethics, but is only a small step on your path of stopping procrastination. If you procrastinate try doing these methods to start your path of the art of NOT procrastinating and leave a comment on how doing these methods worked out for you.


  1. I had problems with procrastinating, and still do today. But one thing I learned to do which you stated is to take breaks. When I work for hours on end, I burn out and then i lose focus and before I know I have completely forgotten what I was doing. But when I put some breaks in between I come back refreshed ready to complete my task. I have learned with being an honors student that procrastination gets me nowhere.

    1. Have you tried using a rubber band? it is much more time efficient than taking many breaks in between working. Even though this technique is a lot less fun than taking breaks it helps you finish your work a lot faster.
