
Sunday, November 27, 2016

Hello Everyone!

Hey everybody! This is my first ever post! Can you believe it?!

I've never really blogged before so just hang in there while I get used to how this works. My topic - different ways to tie a tie - is a bit out there, but I still don't know how to do it so I figured I should learn and bring everyone along on the ride. I'm sure once I get the hang of things everything will go smoothly though!

Anyway, here's a bit about me:

My name is Logan Munoz, I'm 15 and a Sophomore here at KR. I figured that since we'll all be spending a couple months together making blog posts I'd at least let you know a bit about me.

First of all, the two biggest things I love doing at this school are performing in the Jazz Band and Wind Ensemble, and swimming on the swim team. I've been in the Jazz Band for the entirety of my high school experience up to this point, and I plan to continue playing my trumpet for as long as I can. As for Wind Ensemble I auditioned for it last year and was fortunate enough to be selected to be a part of it, so hopefully as the years go by I can still participate in that.

My friend and I before the Victoria Day Parade (which we performed in)

As for swimming I've been taking swim lessons my whole life, but I hadn't really gotten into competitive swimming until about two years ago when my parents finally forced me to join the Fairwood Barracudas. They are a summer swim team based out of the Fairwood Country Club near the Fairwood Library. I am so glad my parents made me do that because I've loved competitive swimming ever since.

At KR, we're just getting into our swim season here, and I believe our first official swim meet is actually this Thursday! I'm really excited to race and see what I can accomplish there.

Me warming up after a particularity cold and rainy swim meet
over the summer.

Aside from school, I love to read, play video games, spend time with my friends and family, and of course, still swim and play my trumpet. Also, I tend to be more on the quiet and shy side, despite my habit of beatboxing constantly. So hopefully this blog can help me come out of my shell a bit.

My friends and I at a party at my house!

I look forward to spending these next couple months with you!

Question of the day:
What do you like to do outside of school? Are you excited to start blogging?

Have a good one,
-Logan Munoz


  1. This post is great, but you know that it wont fulfill the requirements for the assignment, correct?
    Outside of school...I like to explore, hike, travel, do yoga, paddleboard, do all kinds of kid things with my children, do crafts here and there, hang out with my friends, and wander around.
    Blogging is the best, so yes!!!

    1. Correct, I do realize that this isn't fulfilling the requirements. I just did this as an introductory post since I wanted to have some fun with this instead of just doing it because I have to. I actually just posted my first official one, so if you want to see the post that actually meets the requirements it's there now. On another note, I like to hike too! Back in middle school we had a Hiking Club that I joined and it was loads of fun. It was actually how I met some of my best friends today, so I'm definitely glad I did it. Thanks for the comment! :D
