
Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Drawing for the Absolute Beginner

Art is a hobby that I aspire to become relatively good at because I want to be able to draw my favorite characters (to not turn out rubbish) and I really admire art in general. To accomplish this goal however, I have to start with the basics. Upon reading Drawing for the Absolute Beginner by Mark and Mary Willenbrink I learned that there is a difference between sketching and drawing. “A sketch is a work in progress. You may sketch to observe your subject matter or to resolve questions regarding a drawing you are working on…On the other hand, drawing is an activity that is begun with the intention of producing a finished piece of art.” (Willenbrink 14). Before reading this, I would jump right ahead to drawing rather than starting with a simple sketch.

For my first drawing I have chosen to sketch and draw a cat. I followed the first step which was to sketch out basic shapes (70).

Using this first step was a guide to the following instructions that came next. Refining, rounding, and creating details was easy because I had a sketch as a guide. I would’ve gone straight to making the eyes, face, and details right away if I hadn’t known any better.
Final Product:

From this first experience I have learned that it is very helpful to sketch basic shapes which will ultimately help guide form a feature (for example: the cat’s eyes). I also learned that it is recommended to do more sketches, and to do them before you start drawing. It serves as practice and helps you become more familiar of structures and proportions.

Question: Is art a skill that is achievable through hard work and lots of practice? Or is it a skill that some people are simply born with?

Willenbrink, Mark, and Mary Willenbrink. Drawing for the Absolute Beginner: A Clear & Easy Guide to Successful Drawing. Cincinnati, OH: North Light, 2006. Print.


  1. Hello, Channy! I believe that art, like other skills is something that is achievable only through hard work and lots of practice. Being able to do something skillfully, is achieved through a countless number of failures, and until then they would continue to experience more of those to be able to achieve an excellent art form.

    1. Hi Olivia! Definitely, practice and failure are the few steps that contribute to excellency and skill. I will continue to practice drawing, and I hope you continue to keep practicing your hobby as well :).

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Great post, Channy! :) You showed a really good demonstration of how vital sketches can be when drawing in your pictures. I can totally relate to this process. I, too, believe that sketches can be a very helpful (or even necessary) component when it comes to creating any sort of art. I apply this same tactic when creating art, whether it be in ceramics or painting compositions for my blog posts, which you can check out to see. Sketches allow me to follow a plan of construction, instead of just blindly constructing when I am drawing. In my experience, sketches have been incredibly helpful. Researching more about sketches, it is obvious that the online community of artists also agree upon the necessity of sketches before drawing/making. After learning this technique, do you think you are a more skilled artist?

    To answer your question, I think that art is a skill that some people are just blessed with, some more than others. I think that those with this ability can create more real and genuine art. This is because I don't think art is something that should require much work, but rather much heart. Do you agree with this?

    1. Thanks Theresa :). I'm glad to hear that sketches assist your in art as well! After learning this technique, I do believe that I've become slightly more skilled in drawing. I strongly agree with your opinion in that art is a skill that people are generally blessed with. Creativity and passion can be demonstrated through one's heart however, I think art takes tons of work and dedication too; someone who puts in all their heart into one piece would put all their efforts in it too.

  4. I think that art is a skill that is learned through hard work and practice because you need to have knowledge on a subject in order to be skillful at it and people aren't born with that kind of knowledge.

    1. I agree, skill is obtained through tons of practice and learning. Though I also do believe that some people are just naturally talented.

  5. Good job demonstrating the importance of sketches Channy! From my own personal opinion, I feel heavily that some people are just born as amazing artists while others, like us, have to work very hard and spend plenty of time practicing to achieve close to the ability of a naturally born artist. Some people are just born with the ability to be naturally artistic due to their ability to their different outlook on the world or their like perception of something is different from us, which in turn can help them with a skill such as drawing over someone who doesn't view drawing as they do. And for people with little artistic skills, it's a concept that is very hard to grasp and even harder to emulate into the person's drawing ability.

    1. Thank you for your kind words and comment Huy! That's an interesting thought you have there, I hadn't thought about one's outlook on the world. After reading your thought, I would have to agree on that those who are more artistically skilled look through the world with a particular lens, which makes it easier for them to create art. Interesting outlook, Huy!

  6. Hey Channy!
    First of all, you did a really good job on your drawing! For this project, I chose drawing as the topic I would blog about also. I found your process very similar to mine, where you started with the simple planes and the basic structure of the object and then added detail. To answer your question, no I don't think drawing is a skill people are only born with. Like many things, I think with hard work and practice, anyone can become an artist. Overall, nice job on your drawing and post!

    1. Hey John! Thank you for the compliment. It's nice to see that we have similar processes as we both have started drawing. And I agree, practice and hard work builds toward any skill, not just becoming an artist.

  7. Hey Channy!You're looks so cute! Last year I learned about starting with basic shapes in Draw/ Paint/ Design, but I always want to jump right into the details . But now I see shapes really help! To answer your question, art is definitely achieved through hard work and practice! You need to learn these techniques at some point. Of course some people pick things up quicker than other and therefore develop this skill quicker, but no one should ever think a person was simply born with it.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth :). Nice to find that you learned something on my blog! I concur; people pick things up quicker due to their natural abilities but I do believe that some people are just naturals artists. Nice thought.

  8. Hey Channy, to answer your question, I believe that art comes through hard work and dedication. But at the same time I believe that talent is also contributed into your skill in art. Me, for example, I try to draw occasionally as a time killer. But, my skill in art is never good compared to my friends. I have tried to draw as good as them but I eventually give up after seeing how bad mine is compared to theirs. Your post encourages me to try harder in my aspiration of being good in art.
