
Wednesday, November 30, 2016

better yourself: workout

Well-being-noun the state of being comfortable, healthy, or happy.
The first sentence in the book You Are Your Own Gym by Mark Lauren declares: “I CAN UNEQUIVOCALLY STATE You Are Your Own Gym is a must read for anyone truly interested in their well- being”. I read that sentence and made up my mind to check out the book from the library. I am certainly interested in my well-being.I have lifted nothing but grocery bags and the occasional box from Costco for years,and still struggle with them. Also, my dad calls me chicken.
Lauren claims in the introduction of his book that we owe it to ourselves to be lean, fit, and claims that with the use of this book, I will no longer have the excuse of “no time” because the journey he promises to a better body (and use of it) will only take 20 minutes a day, 4-5 times a week. Lauren personally promised me a better physique, with primitive workouts, using nothing but what the Lord gave you (p.2).
To be completely clear, I’m not aiming for a washboard stomach, round shoulders, or shirt –sleeve-stretching biceps. Rather a toned stomach, toned triceps and biceps and legs (and maybe less struggle when carrying said groceries).
One of my favorite workouts so far has been the one legged squat. It works on virtually everything: gluts, hamstrings, lower back, and hip flexors, and has really pushed me to my limits in terms of endurance. Using a chair for balance, lift your left leg about 4 inches off the ground up and stand on your right leg, with your head up and back straight. Slowly lower your body, bending at the waist and right knee, until your right thigh is parallel to the floor, let go of the chair, and extend your arms forward. Hold this position for as long as you can.(page 114)

This position is definitely a work in process, could not get my thighs parallel to the floor without falling over. I held my meager attempt at the one legged squat for no longer then 30 seconds. Then rested for one minute, and repeated for another 30 seconds or so. I did a set of 5 rotating between the 30 second hold, and the one minute rest. I finished out with a set of 'pistol' exercises, which i will explain in my next blog post. Thank you for reading! I encourage you to try out this exercises, please comment and share your experience!  


  1. As an aerialist and dancer it takes a long time to build muscle and to be able to hold and form specific positions. Personally, this position that you are attempting i got right away, but this is because i have been dancing since i was younger. Therefore being able to maintain the muscles needed for this exercise. One thing i can recommend doing is start by leaning up against a wall. Not like wall sitting, but leaning up against a wall will help your body learn isolation. Also, attempt to keep your hips under your spine, therefore keeping a straighter position for the body to maintain.

  2. You mention the one legged squat being your favorite exercise. What are some other exercises that you think will help me and others get that toned stomach, legs, shoulders, biceps, and triceps? Why do you recommend those exercises? Would you in the future look to pursue weight training?
