
Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Lists in Python

Matthes, Eric. Python crash course: a hands-on, project-based introduction to programming. San Francisco: No Starch Press, 2016. Print.
I learned how to make lists in Python and display them in multiple ways. In the book Python Crash Course it showed me how to reverse lists, on page 49 it said, You can reverse lists by using the name that defines a list and adding .reverse() to it. After that line you type print(name) and it will be printed in reverse. (Matthes 49). This taught me how to implement reversed lists into my code which helps me improve at programming in the Python language. Another thing the book showed me how to do was separate list items, on page 38 it said, "Write the name of the list followed by the index of the item enclosed in square brackets." (Matthes 38). This taught me how to implement a list into my code that looks more professional when printed which helps me improve at programming in the Python language.

What do you think the most important programming language is?

Matthes, Eric. Python Crash Course: A Hands-on, Project-based Introduction to Programming. San Francisco: No Starch Press, 2016. Print.


  1. Hi Tanner,
    When I read this post, I thought of how it was the exact same topic that I did. When I did, I saw that one of your "favorite things" to do was programming. I have a question did you have any previous experience in programming, in any other languages perhaps. Also when reading your Python Crash Course what were your thoughts(too fast, too slow, etc). I am interested to know which book is more effective in teaching Python.
    To answer your question, I think there are many different languages that are important, so you can't just state one of the languages as the most important. In my opinion Java and HTML are some of the important programming languages out there.

    1. Hello, Kevin
      I have experience in both Java and HTML. I thought that it was paced well. Yeah I agree that a lot of them are important and each do their own thing.
