
Thursday, January 21, 2016

Love Yourself Too

Everybody has their insecurities and flaws they don't like, that's normal. But hating yourself because of this isn't okay. While my book, Hot Body Year-Round by Cassey Ho have been solving my problems, I was surprised to see it tackle this issue.

When looking in the mirror, it's easy to focus on the flaws and hate it because it's a part of you. Ho demands this self-hate to be stopped because "A body that is hated is one that will reject everything you want it to do" (78). No doubt, Ho brings to light of the negative effects of self-hate. The person themselves might not realize, but over time all the self-hate will diminish their self-esteem. This in turn, easily demotivates the person to give up their goals and aspirations. In contrast, loving your body means it will do everything you want to do (Ho). Here, Ho implies to make a change by first start loving yourself (cheesy I know). This won't be an overnight change, but by taking the steps for this self-love will help you overall to achieve your goals. After all, you will want to achieve whatever goal you have if you cared about yourself in the first place.

Despite learning this, I still compared myself to others for something silly as looks, specifically buttocks. Ho argues that, "Comparison is the thief of joy...If you focus on on making yourself stronger and better...then you'll reach your fullest potential and achieve your goals" (160). That means if I just stop my comparing and focus on myself, I can have the butt I want. Not the butt that other girls or celebrities have, but my own. While butt size is determined by genetics, it's still a muscle. If Pilates taught me anything, it's that I can change my body through hard work. So unlike breasts which are fat, I can exercise my butt to be lifted. .

"Pointed Butt Lift X 25 Each Side
 Works: Gluteus
 A: Begin on all fours, your hands underneath your shoulders, arms straight, and knees about hip
 width apart. Lift your right leg up, knee bent at a 90-degree angle with your toes pointed into the air.
 B: Pulse and lift your leg up, hold, and squeeze your glutes before returning to the start position.  [Twenty-five on both sides]" (160).

Whew! I felt the burn in that one. While it's nice to focus on the parts I want to improve, it doesn't mean I should forget the parts I do like. In the end, I should love my overall self. Remember, self-love should be desired and isn't narcissistic.

How do you give yourself self-love? If you struggle with self-love, how do you plan on changing this?

Ho, Cassey. Cassey Ho's Hot Body Year-Round: The POP Pilates Plan to Get Slim, Eat Clean, and Live Happy Through Every Season. First ed. New York: Harmony, 2015. Print.


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