Building a strong base is a very important factor as you
need a stable platform to support the parts of your body actually handling the
bow. You’re going to want to place your feet far enough apart to keep balance
comfortably and have your weight evenly distributed between them. Aligning your
feet square to the target is how most archers stand but some variation is okay,
finding what is most comfortable for your body and preference is important
(Engh 52).

Once you have your stance down you’re going to want to know
how to properly draw the bow. “The traditional way to draw a recurve bow with
the fingers is to hold two fingers under the nock and one finger above…Try
three fingers under at first, and when you’re comfortable with that, move to
two fingers under and one finger over the arrow nock” (Engh 55). He mentions
that beginners should try the three fingers under because the arrow falls off
the rest if you move your fingers weird with one over. This is evident when I
was first starting out and just started off with having one finger over and the
other two under and the arrow kept falling off. Whereas I eventually got to the
point where I knew what not to do to keep it from falling I believe starting
off with all three under I probably could have evaded the problem for the most
What kind of grip and stance do you take when you are
shooting your bow?
Engh, Douglas. Archery Fundamentals. IL: Human Kinetics Inc,
2005. Print.
I've only shot a bow a few times, and when I did I felt very uncomfortable because I had no idea what I was doing. But when I did shoot the bow I had my feet spread apart but I kept dropping the arrow because when I would draw the arrow back my fingers were moving weird which caused the arrow to just fall off. I've always wanted to get good at firing a bow because how fun it looks. I can finally get some easy tips on using a bow through your blog posts. Keep up the good work!