
Sunday, January 24, 2016

The Forking Healthy Alternatives

People are always looking for the healthiest way to go in the food world; there's a better side to every food. Stefanie Sacks knew this and put this idea into her book, What the Fork Are You Eating?. It has a very helpful sixteen page list of the recommended greater halves of common foods in the book. I took this useful tool to my local Fairwood Safeway to see if I could find these better halves of common foods.
I started off in the snack section of Safeway because I know they have plenty of selection. In the back of the book, there's a subsection called "boxed bakery" where I found the alternatives for energy bars.

Grace and I found the healthiest looking type of bar there was and it turns out it wasn't mentioned in the healthier alternatives. Sacks lists that "Bliss, Bumble, Greens, Kind, Luna, [and] Oski" were the better brands of this common food (331). The only brand at this store was Kind, even with such a large selection.
Continuing down the snack aisle of the grocery store we found a good place to find healthy alternatives, the fruit snacks. We then compared, again, the healthy looking type of fruit snacks to the ones actually listed in Sacks's book. The only alternative listed was Annie's Natural Gummy Bunnies, so it was easy to find. Mott's and Sunkist, two brands that claim to be really healthy, didn't make the cut.  

Then we traveled down into the dairy section, thinking this list would be really helpful for cheese and other products. All the brands for the healthier cheeses weren't available. Same thing goes for cream cheese and yogurt. I finally figured  out that milk would probably have the healthy choice and it did. The book read that Organic Valley and different brands would be a better brand of milk than others. This one is kind of predictable because it reads "organic" in the title (324).

Over all, it's pretty hard to find Sacks's recommended better halves of common foods in a Safeway, but this list is still really helpful when trying to find the healthiest choice of foods.

What brands of common foods do you get? Do you think that brand is the healthiest?

Sacks, Stefanie. What the Fork Are You Eating?: An Action Plan for Your Pantry and Plate. New York: Penguin Group, 2014. Print. 


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