The Bible often talks about faith strong enough to move mountains. Brian Houston expands on this idea as he expresses how depression, sickness, financial struggles and rough patches in marriages can all serve as a mountain in someone's life (198). Sometimes, it can seem like there's no break from being busy with tasks or heartbreaking hardships. It's easy to wonder if there will ever be a break from the chaos life brings. Houston gives some reassurance as he says, "The Bible frequently talks about this fight of faith. It's when you have no resources or opportunities, no solutions of your own, nowhere else to turn when you're in a battle, that you're forced to trust in God's ability to provide and meet you in your need" (195). I forget how temporary and small this life is, and how God has an all-encompassing power that transcends all understanding. His plan holds so much greatness, he's just waiting to give it to his children. Houston influences me to remember how God asks his children to bring their pain, their doubts and their worries. God wants me to bring my troubles to him because he truly has the power to solve them. With ease, he can move these mountains from my life. I just need to have faith and allow him to work miracles in my life.
Houston says that people who strengthen their faith need to have the right focus on Jesus as they grow in their trust and love (199). People can't grow if there's nothing to grow from. The obstacles that seem impossible to overcome are the reasons people turn to God and increase their faith. Houston has definitely made me ask myself where my hope is laying. With every mountain I encounter, I need to go to the one who is willing to help me move the mountains. I can't turn to materialistic comforts which can lead me astray from God's plan. God will forever beckon his children to walk past the boundaries of fear, and to find faith within his power and loving embrace. Houston's
Live Love Lead has helped my passion grow to seek a faith that moves mountains, and to always choose God's comfort when encountering a time of pain or confusion.
Where do you find your comfort in rough times?
Houston, Brian. Live, Love, Lead: Your Best Is Yet to Come! New York: FaithWords, 2015. Print
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