Gardens- Dwarf Cherry Rose
Hello everybody, welcome back to this blog. Today I’m going
to talk about my experience on gardening dwarf cherry roses. We all know what a
rose is but, what about a dwarf cherry rose? It’s a perennial, so it’s a type
of plant that can last for a long time. It was a really fascinating flower because
of the pinkish-red color. When opening the package of the seeds I noticed that
they were rocks, since I’m new to this gardening stuff, I was really intrigued
by how the rocks I was holding in my hands will soon bloom to become really
beautiful flower.
Keith Wiley, Author of Designing and Gardening Woodland Gardens, said that “Perennials
form the core of many woodland plantings”(31). I agree with him because since these flowers live longer it would be the main core of the woodland garden, I believe it's because that fact that they come out of rocks, just joking. when planting these seeds it felt different because with my lack of knowledge on gardening still I didn't know if I would still be planting it the right way however I felt reassured because Wiley said, “In addition, many shade-loving woodlander
come from parts of the world where heavy rains can be expected…”(31). Living in an area where it rains a lot helps the woodland garden since it the main source to keeping the plants living. Last time on the blog I talked about how when I plant it helps me feel better, planting the dwarf cherry roses made me more relaxed because I finally got the hang of how to garden and make my woodland garden into an actual one.
In what ways do you think flower/plants in general help our community?
Wiley, Keith. Designing and
Planting a Woodland Garden. London: Timber Press, 2014. Print.
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