
Friday, January 22, 2016

Family Filled with Fellowship

I go to my church in Federal Way about three times a week. As often as that may seem, the days are usual filled with scheduled routines or hectic chatter. It's not enough time to go one-on-one with a person and see how they're actually doing. It can be easy to talk for a few minutes without getting to know their current struggles. Brian Houston reminds me that, "Going through a trial, a temptation, or turmoil makes you feel quite vulnerable, so it's natural to want to put up your walls and hide behind them...When you least feel like having fellowship with others is often when you need it the most. God understands the value of relationship, the value of team" (107). If I'm struggling with something, I tend to seek help from other people often because of how easily I open up. Houston reminded me that not everyone exposes their problems so easily. Since others are there for me when I'm in need, I should be seeking to help others as well. Houston says that it's best to find a positive, faith-filled environment when you're struggling at a difficult part in your path (107). This motivated me to want to help make that kind of environment for those who are hurting. Especially since church isn't a place for the holiest of people, or people who can stick to the morals the best. Although our youth is filled with laughter and games, church is where you find people who are broken, people who are lost, or people who are searching for answers. I can't ignore people's pain, especially if we're called to have fellowship within our church. We should all be helping each other heal and improve our faith. "Look for the people in your life who love you and love God and clearly want the best for you, with no agendas or strings attached" (Houston 109). Houston words helped me seek for more fellowship within our youth group. Outside of the typical three days I go to church, we used the day we had off on Monday to go on a hiking trip. As we hiked up to Franklin Falls, it really helped me reconnect within my church members and spend genuine time with them. Plus, I loved watching them slip around and fall on the snow. "The name of Jesus gives us access. The way to life is Jesus. Only Jesus. But for those in Christ, this doesn't equate to a small life. Instead, in Christ, life becomes larger, wider, more full of potential and blessing than any other way will ever allow us" (Houston 134). Truly, without Jesus, He couldn't have brought such wonderful people into my life. He brings me to make bonds with people that wouldn't have been able to form without His grace and love. Every time I drive into the parking lot of my church, I can't help but breathe a sigh of joy because it's the second home I can laugh and cry in with complete vulnerability. Houston has really made me get back into the motivation to work to create joy within this family I have, and to continue to create these bonds and memories that can only be made possible with the joy He brings.
Where do you find the people that bring you the most comfort?
Houston, Brian. Live, Love, Lead: Your Best Is Yet to Come! New York: FaithWords, 2015. Print


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