
Friday, January 15, 2016

Dressing For Success is Dead

Do you ever get tired of going out into public and feeling like your outfit is not perfect? Yea, me too! There are a few simple things you can do to make your outfit feel more complete. 

Start by ironing your clothes and hanging them up! Wrinkled clothes are a clear sign to the world that you don't really care about your look. "Taking an extra five minutes to straighten things out is well worth the time investment" (95). Freer illustrates that taking a few extra minutes out of your busy lives to iron your clothing is worth the time and will you save you time in the future. Just look at how much better a shirt looks when it is clean and ironed. 

Make sure to always focus on how revealing your clothes are, if you want to look professional, a longer skirt and good shirt will do the trick. "The wisdom goes that women looking to be taken "seriously" as "professionals" should take great care to avoid anything too low cut , sheer, or revealing" (95) Freer shows that girls can look good without having to show every part of their body. Often girls think that they have to look beautiful by showing of their bodies, which is not true! Modest is hottest!! 

Going back to my first blog about wearing fit clothes, always ask yourself a few questions, Are your clothes too big? Do your hems drag on the ground and get dirty in the process? (97). Asking yourself a few questions like this every time you put your clothes on will keep you in check and make sure you're not wearing too big or too small clothing. Finding the pieces that suit you and making them part of your go-to style helps you look your best at work or in any professional situation. 

"The truth for dressing for success is that sometimes, the trick to looking better in your clothes is simply to have fewer of them" (98). Going off of what Freer is saying, I think that if you have a good combination of well fit clothing, then you don't need all those extra shirts laying around in your closet. A little extra attention to the condition of what you're wearing elevates your look far more than a closet bursting with poorly cared-for clothes. 

How will you make sure you're dressing your best?

Freer, Alison. How to Get Dressed. Berkely: The Speed Press, 2015. Print. 


  1. Delika, I really like your advice on doing simple things like ironing your clothes to make your outfit feel better! I think I will also try to make sure my outfit fits together perfectly instead of just throwing on random pieces together.

    1. That's a good idea! Hoestly, having your closet more organized is so much easier to choose cuter outfits. Like who would want to throw on an unironed shirt? haha

  2. The clothes themselves need a lot of attention and they need to be taken well care of before, while, and after wearing them. I usually do my best to pay attention to small details such as wrinkles, stains, rips and holes when I'm dressing my best; and I do my best to remove them. People sometimes do find little things like this and if the clothes are well taken care of it will show the meticulous perfectionist part of a person which is a good thing because it means they care about their reputation through their appearance.

    1. I agree with you! Doing small things like keeping your clothes nice and clean can help out with your look so much better. And it definitely does say something about a person when they iron their clothes, it shows that they take their extra time to make their clothes, and themselves, look good.

  3. I really liked your advice in this blog. In my blog, I talk about how ironing is also important when it comes to sewing. The author of my book tells how ironing fabric will make it easier to sew with and it will look more presentable. this corresponds with what you have said. :) I think I will have to focus on ironing more to give things a more professional look.

    1. I agree(: It honestly does make you and your clothes more presentable. Theirs always those little things you can do that can change alot about your look.
