Johan Idema talked about how museums often give very minimal information about the artist, only really talking about them if it effects the piece, (when it was made, the general background), and not much more (27). Getting a better understanding about what the artist was going through also has an effect, and is something that you often have to research on your own. Van Gogh had depression, and learning that small, tiny detail, can actually have a big impact on his art. Before he committed suicide, his art wast perceived or as glorified as it is today, because not understanding his struggle, not adding a tragedy to his story, made his art less then what it actually is. "Getting familiar with [they're] ideas, hesitations, presumptions, private philosophies and life story is essential to comprehending the work" (Idema 27).
Gathering additional information is very interesting as well, since you get to understand the person more and connect to them better, as well as understanding their piece more. In fact, just learning about a piece can allow you to understand the artist more, as the meaning of it reflects off of their character. Zhi Lin made an entire exhibit dedicated to Chinese migrants to help build railroad systems across America, who were taken out of history. They wrote the names of the know migrants on rocks, (both in Chinese and English), and stacked them all in front of a video recreating a picture taken to celebrate the final product that was the railroad system, and how all of the Chinese workers had been taken out.
I was able to learn more information about the artist and the exhibit itself simply by reading a blurb that plastered against the wall. Zhi Lin thinks that its important to tell the stories of the forgotten, and the stories of those who's lives were purposely removed from out history books to give America a better name. They made a memorial of sorts, dedicated to all of the underappreciated and forgotten workers who helped set up a railroad system that connected the majority of the country together.
It allowed me to connect to the artist and the art more, as understanding what it was about, and the historical importance of the piece had a strong impact on my view of it.
Do you like to research about certain topics to understand them better?
Idema, Johan. How to Visit an Art Museum: Tips for a Truly Rewarding Visit. BIS Publishers, 2014
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