
Friday, January 26, 2018

Outdoor lighting (Decent quality)

Being a photographer, everyone knows that taking pictures outside can be a lot easier, but it can also be very difficult. Being outside, you can get a lot of natural lighting and have good background shots, But it can also be very complex because shooting outside, you don't know what the weather could be like, and you cant exactly change the lightings. “Nature provides every lighting variation imaginable. That’s why so many images are made with it (Hurter 96). Being outside gives you a chance to change the lighting and get deep or light shadows that can really give your photo a little pop. The photo above is an example of a photo that doesn't have the best quality. outside was dark and the only light i could work with was the flash on my camera. the only detailed light shown in the photo is in the faces of the subjects in the middle of the shot. around the subjects, you can clearly see that there are trees surrounding the subjects, but you cant see any details in the leafs besides the small amounts of light peeking through. Maybe another angle would have worked best, but this is what i had to work with in order to get my shots complete everything.

Hurter, Bill. The Best of Photographic Lighting: Techniques and Images for Digital Photographers. 2nd ed. Buffalo, NY: Amherst Media, 2006. Print

What type of photos do you like to take outdoors and why is that your favorite?


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