
Monday, January 29, 2018

Correct Mindset For Lifting

A struggle for many people when they are working out for an extended amount of time, is keeping your motivation and your mindset of "I can do this". A major point that Matthews mentions is that you need to keep the saying "I will or I want" in you head, rather than "I won't". By saying I won't you eliminate all of your self motivation. The people who say "I won't" often give up on their goals of a perfect body. By saying "I will or I want" you are telling your brain that you want to achieve this goal. Matthews explains this as, "'I want' is the ability to remember the why when temptation strikes-the long-term goal and the thing you really want" (50).
Me saying "I will" because no one likes leg day.

I have had to really take these phrases seriously because there are many times when I want to eat some McDonald's or have some junk food, I really have a hard time resisting that. But these phrases have helped me tremendously. Do you have a hard time sticking to a diet or workout routine?
Matthews, Michael. Bigger Leaner Stronger: the Simple Science of Building the Ultimate Male Body. Oculus Media Group Llc, 2015.


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