
Thursday, January 25, 2018

Drawing an Automobile

For my fourth post, I will be drawing a car or an automobile, and I will be using linear perspective to help make it look a little more realistic. In the book, the Willenbrinks explain to us that, "Perspective is what gives the illusion of depth to a picture. It affects almost anything we see, if only in subtle ways...,"(32) which means that drawing with perspective is essentially giving your drawings sort of a three dimensional like feeling. There are three parts to using linear perspective, there is the horizon line which is,"...where the land or water meets the sky," and it is explained that it, "...Influences the viewers perception of a scene and determines where its sight lines should converge,"(Willenbrink 32) and then there is the vanishing point, which is the point where lines converge, and the vantage point, the point  in where the viewer sees the scene(Willenbrink 32).

For this exercise, I will be using two-point perspective, which is just one-point linear perspective but with 2 vanishing points.

Reference picture

First i followed the instructions of the book and drew a rectangle in two-point perspective, which took me a lot of tries to get right and even now i still don't think i did it right.

Then i added in some details:

And finally i added in a few more details and came out with this:

This is quite obviously not my best work. I struggled with getting the rectangle in two-point perspective and the car is a little tilted

What do you think I could've done better? Do you use linear perspective in your drawings as well?

Willenbrink, Mark, and Mary Willenbrink. Drawing for the Absolute Beginner: A
     Clear & Easy Guid to Successful Drawing. Cincinnati, Ohio, North Light
     Books, 2006.


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