
Monday, January 25, 2016

C++ Programming

Last time I did this, I focused only pointers, a way to make reference to data much easier. Now that I feel that I feel that I can do that much better I decided to also find a way to store data directly better, sort of in a way going backwards in my learning.

So more onto arrays, arrays being a type of variable that can hold and distribute multiple vales rather than one. They can visualized as a type of rows when you print them out, hence the name arrays. These are very helpful for when the user enters multiple values, or if you want to save time and space.
Arrays are very helpful when holding long variable values. They are used in a variety of situations. (Strostrup,81). So in my program before when I used long variable. Not only that but it says, "To use arrays it must be strongly implicated that it can be used in that context. Not only that, bust strong and dynamic classes must be created beforehand,"(Srostrup,105). I implemented this by learning classes and how to implement elements and I created a long program to hold high amounts of data below.


So now that I can store and distribute data more effectively what should I do next? I was thinking that I now learn how to start being able to use different parts of my computer other than my keyboard, maybe even a function to use my mouse. Well I’ll see how that goes. Once again thank you for reading, and feel free to ask questions!

Stroustrup, Bjarne. The C++ Programming Language. 4th ed. Upper Saddle River:
     Addison-Wesley, 2013. Print.


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