
Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Body Proportions in Drawing

Drawing subjects accurately is important since it adds a greater sense of realism. Because of their complex shape, drawing people accurately is a common struggle among many drawers. But with the proper knowledge of bodily proportions, it becomes much easier to accurately draw people. In Drawing for the Absolute Beginner, by Mark and Mary Willenbrink, the authors describe the proportions of human adults: "For both sexes, almost half the height is made up of the legs, with the tips of the hand falling to the mid-thigh region...For most adults, their height is equal to the width of their outstretched arm" (Willenbrink 78).

As part of their lesson on human proportions, the authors gave  step-by-step instructions on using the correct proportions in drawing a man standing. To start, you make lines to indicate placement of body parts and their proportions. This consists of horizontal lines marking the placement of the head, neck, chest, waist, and feet as well as a vertical line down the center. By using these guidelines, you are able to draw in body parts while keeping them in proportion.

Here you can see me using the guiding lines to draw out the basic body shape.

I finished the sketch by adding details and a little shading

Does anyone know any methods to accurately draw people in different poses?

Willenbrink, Mark, and Mary Willenbrink. Drawing for the Absolute Beginner. Cincinnati, Ohio: North Light, 2006. Print.


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