
Sunday, January 29, 2017

Origami Fish

Origami Fish

For my next blogpost, I attempt to try the reverse fold again, this time with the fish origami. The fish origami was in the beginner section but was harder for me to do than the swan because it had more reverse folds (Montroll 48). The fish origami had only 20 steps and I was able to reach step 14. I actually did a few reverse folds before I was stuck on step 15. Step 15 had you “Reverse- fold. Repeat behind” (Montroll 49). The part that I had messed up on was when you were supposed to reverse fold at an angle. Since I did not look at the example closely I messed up and it prevented me from advancing.

How do you overcome obstacles in origami?
Montroll, John. Teach Yourself Origami. New York: Dover Publications, 1998. Print.


  1. I overcome obstacles in origami by retrying the same steps over and over again, trying to guess and see if it is right. If I get it wrong, I usually try again with another sheet of paper and start over. The way I try to overcome obstacles is through guess and check, since its simple, but takes a lot of time for me to find the solution. It is a very fun experience because I learn many new things while trying over and over again. Anyways, great post and has taught me a lot about to persevere until you get it right.

  2. Overcoming obstacles in origami is hard because I usually want to give up and just try another one. I haven't tried guess and check in origami but I will now.
