
Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Social Media: Be an Expert

Be an Expert

Being apart of your brand offers an opportunity to build a reputation as an expert in your field. You can answer questions, offer educated opinions, and open links to informational articles you have written (Williams 18). This build you up as being someone reputable and someone knowledgeable about what you are talking about. for my instance, eSports and competitive gaming. It is about providing real helpful information to your customers and followers of your social media account. In my instance I can deter people towards websites and helpful places where they can buy merchandise.
I can guide them to websites that have active information about the competitive eSports game Counter Strike: Global Offensive.
I can also guide them to the shop with all the apparel in if they are interested in buying any. This is very important considering commission sold from the product will be beneficial to keeping the brand up and running if there is some sort of physical needs that the company will need. Being an expert to your brand and topic in general is very important to where you can guide your followers and answer any vital questions they have to ask.

Question: When people DM you on twitter or tweet at you how do you respond back?


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