
Sunday, January 29, 2017

Social Media : KISS it

Keep It Simple Stupid

KISS basically means Keep It Simple Stupid. Talking about your logo itself, it doesn't have to be anything to complicated. You want to capture basically what your company stands for in one picture and not have 10 different elements in it. Basically minimizing the number of colors, fonts, shapes, images, and lines you use in the logo (Williams 19).
This logo which is the main one used on the twitter account is very simplistic, having only 2 words and an overall design of a sword going through the back drop of the shield. Also this logo can be integrated into many different designs and colors. For example apparel and banners.
Planning ahead is one of the most important part of creating a killer logo (Williams 19). For instance planning has made this logo look really good on the apparel and the color look amazing.

Question: Is the logo that important for you guys, or is it something to just demonstrate you personally?


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