
Thursday, January 25, 2018

Commone Injuries

The most commone things that happen when playing sports is injuries because sometimes things can happen like you slip on the mud while playing soccer and you sprain your leg or your arm. Injuries are common when playing any sport since you take a risk sometimes when your playing but some times they can be critical depending on how you play the sport and what kind of sport it is."Considering how fast-moving a sport volleyball is, injuries are surprisingly infrequent.At Olympic level,a volleyball player will suffer an injury after an average of twenty-five hours on the court; at national amateur level, after fifty hours. At this level,about half of all the players can accept one injury during a season,though most injuries will be minor enough to allow resumed play within a week(Beeson 45).In this paragraph its talking about  how volleyball players don't get injured as much as other sports player do but when it comes to playing for the Olympic/ national amateur more player get hurt because they're training for longer hours and the way they compete is hard so which causes people to get hurt.

Image result for volleyball


  1. Thank you for bringing some of these injuries to my attention. I will make sure to watch out for them during the football, and track season!
