
Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Healthy Avocado Bruschetta

When you think of healthy food, it probably doesn't sound appetizing. But, eating healthy food has a greater impact on you than you might think. "Your health will improve, your immune system will be better, and you will feel much better overall" (Vine 20). I support his theory because I feel the same way when I eat healthy. I try to create my own healthy meals knowing it will benefit me greatly. Junk food is easy to eat and it's always around, but in the long run it's a bad choice. Like healthy food, junk food with affect your overall body, except negatively instead of positive. Food is like a medicine to the body, helping your body heal and stay healthy (Vine 15). The food you choose to eat affects you as a person. I found a classic recipe that is quick and easy to make, and very delicious:

Guacamole Bruschetta

- 2 slices whole grain bread
- 1/2 ripe avocado
- 1/2 ripe tomato
- 1/4 cucumber 
- 1 table spoon lemon juice
- 2 tablespoons Feta Cheese crumbles 
- Salt and pepper to taste

How do you guys incorporate healthy foods in your day?

Vine, Jonathan. Clean Food Diet: 50 Best Recipes. N.p.: n.p., n.d. Print.


  1. I like to use mashed avocado as a sandwich spread instead of mayonnaise or spreadable butter! Avocados are extremely healthy and loaded with nutrients so using them as a spread is a very easy way for me to incorporate healthy foods into my everyday diet.

  2. I agree with you and Vine completely, eating healthy is very good thing for the long run. I used to eat a lot of junk food but as I've started to eat healthier and more cautiously I feel much better than before

  3. That looks delicious. I love eating healthy - I just don't buy much junk food. If it's not around, I'm much less likely to eat it.

  4. That looks yummy! I'll have to try it! I always love finding more healthy and delicious recipes! I have eaten healthy my whole life, so my diet incorporates things that taste amazing but are still healthy. But, I'm human, so I don't always eat healthy. I will cheat sometimes and eat unhealthy things. However, since I'm so used to clean eating, whenever I eat something lacking good nutritional value, I feel awful. Like you mentioned, junk food certainly does have a negative impact on the body. I have found that not only does healthy food benefit my body, but it is beneficial to my attitude and how I am feeling overall!
