
Thursday, December 31, 2015

Pilates for Skiing

I have being learning to cross country ski ever since I was about 3 years old. My parents have taught my sister and I through out the years and now I've been able to go longer distances with a faster pace. So now that I know the technique I want to start getting more efficient. One thing that I have always struggled with is keeping balance. Sometimes you get unsteady or get off rhythm which causes you to get off balance. Injuries can occur from falling or straining muscles that are used to catch yourself when you fall. So how do we prevent this? As Lauri Ann Stricker says, "In the off-season, you may want to consider trail running. It will not only keep your legs strong, it will keep your cardiovascular fitness tuned and improve upper-body strength." (Stricker, 112) Trail running not only keeps your fitness up but it creates a mind body awareness which can improve your balance and rhythm. But although trail running is important, strengthening smaller less obvious muscles is highly important as well.

An exercise called "Hug a Tree", that Stricker recommends, will help strengthen shoulders, arms and the chest area. It will help improve polling for skiers and allows them to have a stronger foundation of strength in their arms.

To begin, sit with legs crossed and bring your heels close to the bottom of your thighs and have your back straight as if you were up against a wall. Bring both arms out as if you were resting your arms on a counter top but holding dumbbells. Then exhale and bring your arms in front of you as if you were hugging a friend. Then inhale to open the circle and exhale to move to hug position. Do 10 reps.( Stricker, 200)

What do you do to get your fitness ready for the ski season?

 Stricker, Lauri Ann. Pilates for the Outdoor Athlete. Golden, CO: Fulcrum Pub., 2007. Print.


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