
Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Dependent with Diabetes

     Just starting Diabetic Living Diabetes What to Eat by Better Homes and Gardens, I could already tell I was hurting my body in ways I didn't even realize. The book talked about changes that could be made to daily activities and foods for diabetes that would help keep blood sugar at an exceptional number. As a diabetic it is crucial to keep your blood sugar at a normal number and maintain a healthy body. During our everyday lives we must be very alert about how many carbohydrates we are digesting because the smallest mistake in calculations could lead to very risky circumstances.

As a reader think of what is going on in this picture…

      For almost 4.5 years now I have been trying to get my blood sugar down to an appropriate number but I never acknowledged it properly. I always just thought to myself that I would get better on my own one day or another. This past summer I really started paying attention and stopped denying the fact that if I wanted to live a healthy life I had to put in the work and stop waiting for magic to just pop in. Better Homes and Gardens states that "Rather than shutting out people who care, invite them to support groups and give them articles to read"(28). I realized it was really important for me to not shut myself out from the world and it is okay to ask for help.


     After falling sick and realizing I had to start taking care of myself, I started to read Diabetic Living Diabetes What to Eat. The first thing I did was start to tell how I felt when I had a high blood sugar or when I felt like I wasn't doing well enough. Now when I share my feelings whether it be with family or just my friends I feel more wanting to take care of myself.

     Just the itty bitty things can make a huge difference in a persons life, such as reading a book or expressing ourselves.

     Is their anything in your life you think you need to change to maintain a healthy lifestyle?

Better Homes and Gardens. Diabetic Living Diabetes What to Eat, N.p.: Natalie Chapman, 2011. Print. "Rather than shutting out people who care invite them to support groups and give them articles to read" (28)."


  1. I have had type 1 diabetes for the 10 years now and I have learned so much of how I can help my diabetes and my over all health. My mom is an amazing cook and makes a variety of foods that are very healthy and taste good. I also make sure to exercise everyday because I find that helps stabilize my blood sugars.
    One thing though that I would like to improve to help my health is to allow myself to receive help. In the past I have shut out my parents thinking that I knew what was best. I want to work on taking criticism on my actions and then improve myself so I continue to feel better and better everyday.

  2. Being a diabetic I know how hard it is to keep your blood sugar controlled. It isn't as easy as it might look, knowing you have to keep track of everything you eat and when. I always try and make sure I'm doing whatever I can to keep myself healthy because it is so important.
