
Monday, December 7, 2015
Be Your Own Costume Designer

Finding your signature style only sounds like something that takes a lifetime to accomplish. It's actually pretty easy and fun! Showing off to the world through your style is entertaining and it says a lot about you. You already know that good clothes really do open all doors. Taking the time to figure out your own signature style is something most people have never considered doing, but there is way more to having a signature style than just the clothes you wear. Your style is your signature.

Freer says that, "Clothes are instant visual cues to who a person is, where they came from, and where they may be going"(50) This taught me that people can automatically tell where you're headed just by looking at your visual appearance, your outfit. People may not know the specific location but they know whether someone's ready to go to bed, messy bun + a sweater, or off on a dinner date, cute dress + red lipstick.

Finding out your own signature style is not as hard as it may seem. You want to get to the heart of who you are, what interests you, and what you really want to present to the world before you allow yourself to go forth and shop.
Whatever that style of yours is, it can definitely change and grow, you can even have two at once. (52) Freer says that peoples style changes over time and people have more than one style and that's okay. Everyone has two sides: their cute, fancy side and their sporty, scrub side. Your style can be as simple or as fantastical as you want it to be. Explore new things and figure out what you love. Don't be afraid to ask women on the streets whose style you admire where they got something. Having your own style means to constantly be on the lookout for what's new that actually suits you. 

Freer taught me to express myself to the world and explore new and different styles to find my signature style. 

When you are your own costume designer, you'll find that you are suddenly the very best version of yourself you've ever been. Because real style is all about enhancing who you really are, not attempting to change yourself into someone else. 

What will you do to find your signature style?

Freer, Alison. How to Get Dressed. Berkely: The Speed Press, 2015. Print.


  1. My blog is about sewing and one thing I have learned is that the type of fabric you choose can show your style. Like for example, floral fabric gives off a girly vibe, while river fabric give off a outdoorsy vibe. My topic connects to yours because it both shows how appearance of something can help show who you are.
