
Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Developing a Mindset For Healthy Eating Habits

Have you ever thought about your diet? Maybe what you eat or drink? Or maybe even the amount that you eat or drink? Maybe even the affects to what you eat and drink does to your body. One of the major key components to staying healthy and keeping or getting the body you want is eating healthy.
If you simply change or keep the correct diet that your body desires for , you will definitely be on the right path to staying healthy and suddenly see changes in shape, size, or maybe looks. 

From the book Change Your Brain Change Your Body by Daniel Amen, in chapter 4 called The Nutrition Solution he states, “Three truths about food to eat. The first one is you are what you eat. Throughout your lifetime your body is making and renewing it cells. Your skin cells make themselves new every 30 days. See you at fuels cell growth and regeneration. What you consume on a daily basis directly affect the health of your brain and body." (Amen 83).
This first "Truth About Food" developed me to understand that if you eat fast food you will become like the fast food. for example, becoming unreliable and last thought worthy. If you use fast food as a direct source for food weekly it will affect how you and your body health wise will look and change. I've noticed that I eat fast food once every week. Eating this trashy, greasy, unwanted fast food developed me to want to change my exercising limits. So now knowing and researching about unhealthy foods like fast food, I generated a mindset to exercise everyday to stay healthy. 

"The second one is food is a drug. Food affects your mood and energy level. You have probably noticed that as a child snacks and cookies affects you to bounce off the walls. Or when your boss guzzles coffee she gets impatient or demanding. That’s because food is affected as a drug manner" (Amen 83).
The second "Truth About Food" developed an understanding that eating a food over and over again creates you to become okay with eating the food many times. If you ate a lot of cabs like Oreo's it will develop your mind to say I want more of this and will force you to eat more. But what I do is think of it this way. If you want to turn out to be lazy and ugly, eat foods that will change you. But if you want to stay healthy and look beautiful everyday, you will have to eat healthy. Another example to relate to is smoking. Its addicting and supposedly "good and cool." But it really not and what else is not good and cool is eating unhealthy. That is how i am motivated to think and translate to stay healthy. 

"The third one is diet influences everything in your life. Everything you consume affects your physical health and well-being. Food affects your; overall health, ability to think quickly and clearly, energy level, physical and athletic performance, weight and appearance.” (Amen 83).
This third "Truth About Food" developed me to understand that if you consume unhealthy food or an overdosing amount that your stomach can't hold, and you do it many times, you will become unhealthy and lazy. How I changed my standards of eating is using common sense. If you eat healthy meals and maybe have one cheat day a week, you will stay healthy. 

Common sense and the 3 "Truths About Food" made me noticed in my body mostly that food you eat can develop muscle growth or decrease in muscle growth. Throughout the retaliation of my motivation to eat healthier, has developed me to work out and exercise. This changed my standards by getting me off my but and develop a better mindset on Health. Eating healthy has also motivated/developed me to notice a change in facial recognition. Throughout my teenager life I noticed I have monthly breakouts with acne. I have tried many different face washes, many different toners and moisturizers, and hey couple different pills. The one that most successfully stopped my acne breakouts was the pills.

In the end the main truth about foods people and myself eat is that if you want to stay healthy do what is right and don't be lazy about putting extra time into creating a meal in the long run that will change your life successfully. That is truly a fact. The quote I chose from page 83 improves my performance in staying healthy by changing eating mindsets and habits.
Do you have the correct mindset inside of your brain to eat/diet correctly and stay healthy?

Amen, Daniel G. The Brain-Body SolutionChange Your Brain, Change Your Body: Use Your Brain to Get the Body You Have Always Wanted, Piatkus, 2012.


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