
Friday, December 5, 2014

I Challenge You

First off I would like to say that I personally don't like collages of photos because I think they are just too much and overwhelming but diptychs are the one exception.

In Elsie Larson and Emma Chapman's book, A Beautiful Mess: Photo Idea Book, they've created fun and easy challenges for readers to try. As I was going through the challenges I came across the diptych challenge. Diptychs are simply two photos paired together and they are very simple to create. As Elsie and Emma says "You can use photo-editing software to digitally pair your images. [Or] You can get an iPhone app that does it for you" (152). Here I will show you how to create a diptych on your phone and I used the app "Superimpose" but you can of course use any app you prefer.

First, import a blank white image for the background and then import the first photo you want to pair together as the foreground.

Next, stretch the photo to cover about 2/3 of the background.
Third, you will merge the white background and your photo together. This is the most important step because if you don't merge the background and foreground together you will not be able to import the second photo for the foreground.
After merging the background and foreground import your second photo as the new foreground and stretch it to cover the remaining 1/3 of the white background. When doing this make sure you leave a space between the two photos because that is how you get the white line in between.
The last step is to hit merge again and export the photo to your photo album.
 Here is the finish image I created.

Now that we have finished you can see that diptychs are very quick and simple to create, which is one of the reasons why I love this technique. I also love diptychs because like Elsie and Emma says they make images more artistic and gives it more of a meaning by telling a story (152). After creating this first diptych I was inspired to create more and I had lots of ideas of what two photos I can pair together.

The question I have for this blog post is what are your favorite photo editing apps or softwares if you use any? 

Chapman, Emma, and Elsie Larson. A Beautiful Mess: Photo Idea Book. New York: Amphoto, 2013.
Goswami, Pankaj. Superimpose. Computer software. Superimpose. Vers. 4.5. Apple ITunes Store, 5 Dec. 2014. Web. <>.


  1. I do! The ones I love to use have got to be PicsArt, Pixlr Express, and Photo Grid. All of them are photo editing apps and they are awesome :) Photo Grid is mainly for collages and diptychs like the one you made above, and PicsArt and Pixlr Express are both for editing photos, they have really cool effects *_* love the one you made!

    1. Thank you Kelsy for sharing some of your favorite apps. I used to have Pixlr Express but it crashed a lot and I only used it for blurring and focusing. I just recently got PicsArt and I'm still trying to learn how to use it. It's confusing and completely different from Superimpose but I like how they have competitions. I think I've used Photo Grid before for a while but like I said I don't like collages and deleted the app.

  2. I use PicsArt, It makes cool college's and edits on the photos I love it! By the way, I like your easy steps and I think your final image turned out great!

    1. Thank you Maddi and thank you for sharing an app that you use!! I've heard a lot about PicsArt and I tried it but I didn't know that you could make collages on there.

  3. I really like this! I never knew there was something called the diptych, I like how you add a lot of detail for all the bloggers or people in general reading this to understand how easy it is. As for me I don't really edit my photos I just basically use with what they have on the "Social media" site and what they give you. Editing yes can be very over whelming, but with what you should it seems more beautiful and come great work!

    1. Thank you Michelle! I didn't know that there was something called the diptych either until I read about it in "A Beautiful Mess: Photo Idea Book". Some social media sites do have good filters and editing tools but I find that apps give you more of a variety like Afterlight.

  4. I have tried this app before but it was confusing but after looking at your blog I really understood how to use it. All the pictures are really nice!! :) Some of the apps I use for Photoshop are Abode Photoshop and Pixlr Express.

    1. I glad you found this blog post useful and it helped you on understanding how to use the app Superimpose. Abode Photoshop is one of my favorite editing softwares because they have a variety of controls, but I did not know that there was an app for the software on iPhone until you told me - thank you! Pixlr Express is a great app, I use it all the time to edit small details.
