Lots of
people get super frustrated while golfing and I do not blame them. I know I get
super frustrated whenever I golf. Golf is a 50% skill and 50% mental. That is
not a true stat but it is something that I believe is true because I have
learned many skills in the game of golf, but when it comes to actually playing,
I cannot seem to perform the way I want. I can go to the driving range and hit
a regular drive straight 10 times in a row, but when I get out onto the course,
I might mess up once and that throws me off for the rest of the game.
problem that many golfers have is that they let one mistake get to their head.
Like I said earlier, I might mess up on one thing and then for the rest of the
round I cannot seem to play, as I know I can. This happens to lots of golfers, for
example they will hit a bad drive on the 4th hole and for the rest
of the holes they will be trying to over correct and fix their mistake. Let’s say
someone slices and hits the ball to the right on one hole. The next hole they
are going to try to rotate their hands and end up pulling the ball. This means
that they will hit the ball to the left of them, this usually happens because
they are afraid to make the same mistake they made on the last hole.
In the
picture above there is a picture of a man that is calm and having fun. That is
the main point in golf, even if you are making mistakes you have to be able to
let it go and refocus on the next hole. As I have been saying repeatedly, the
biggest mistake golfers make is overcorrection. Therefore, this golfer up top
is a good example of someone who is having fun while the play.
How much money do you think people pay to play a round of golf?