
Thursday, November 30, 2017
 The process of become bigger, leaner, and stronger is a long and very tedious journey. To become bigger, leaner, and stronger you need to have a large amount of dedication, patience and effort. In the book Bigger Leaner and Stronger by Michael Matthews he explains that to even see dramatic results in your bodies physique, if working out very routinely and often it will take approximately 2-3 months. Another idea that Matthews explains is that to also get results correctly and in a timely manner, you must eat a high protein diet and focus on certain muscle groups each time you go to the gym. For example, say on Monday you do chest and abs. The next time you work out do shoulders and triceps/biceps and just get in a constant rotation of working out certain muscle groups. A quote that stood out to me was “Newbie gains” are very real and boil down to the simple fact that your muscles respond exceptionally well to just about any type of training for the first three to six months. Simply put, you can make all kinds of mistakes in the beginning and still make better-than-average progress. This doesn’t last long, though. Once the “magic” runs out, it’s gone forever, and what worked for the first few months won’t necessarily continue to work.”  (Matthews 115). This quote stood out to me because it explains what one of the hardest thing for people is when it comes to working out. They won't see results as fast as they would like so they will give up. I do agree with Matthews about how hard it is to stay persistent and make working out a daily routine.

In my personal experience what has been hardest for me is to stay consistent and to keep my determination. I have given up many times after about two weeks because I wasn't seeing any results, but now I have been in a steady routine of working out for around a month and I have seen major improvements already in my abs and chest.

Do you think you could have the determination to work out consistently for an extended amount of time?

Matthews, Michael. Bigger Leaner Stronger: the Simple Science of Building the Ultimate Male Body. Oculus Media Group Llc, 2015.


  1. Yes. I have worked out towards large fitness goals in the past. I think it just requires knowing yourself and how to motivate yourself. I am motivated by having some kind of athletic endeavor to work towards - like a marathon or mountain. These kinds of end goals help to keep me working out every day.

    1. I completely agree. I believe that the key to being very successful in working out is having a large goal or something you are working towards. For me that would be to play baseball in college.

  2. This is a very well written and structured post Kyler! You seem to know a lot about exercising and staying fit. I believe that exercising can definitely be compared to and compatible to staying healthy. Staying healthy is what all of my five blog posts are going to be on with subsections of how to stay healthy. Your blog post also supports another level of staying healthy as in being bigger, leaner and stronger in the concept of exercising. I definitely agree when you say “to become bigger, leaner and stronger you need to have a large amount of dedication, patience and effort.” Those words are the three key concepts of staying healthy and or strong. I also agree with how you say you said section out different days for separate muscle group work outs. I to Indy do this to stay strong and healthy. To answer the question you stated The end of your post, I would say yes on some occasions due to busyness of life. A question that I have for you is, do you think that adding more protein and less carbs to your diet helps you become leaner?

    1. Thank you so much for your thoughts and questions Kyle. To answer your question about if adding protein and taking out carbs can make you leaner is kind of complex. Michael Matthews provides a definition for protein and it is "naturally occurring compounds that are used for growth and repair in the body and to build cells and tissues (muscle)" so if you do add more protein to your diet you will also need to cooperate more cardio into your workout routine to become lean.
