
Thursday, November 30, 2017

How to play Hawaiian 'Ukulele (Picking and strumming)

The ukulele originally derived from the instrument guitar to mandolin than finally was known at the ukulele in the Sandwich Islands (Hawaii) ."Its pleasing sounds,its portability, and its relativity low cost qualifies it as an "instrument of the people," offering a way for many to express themselves musically, both singly and in group"(Burton x). I plan to use this instrument and this book to learn how to better use and apply knowledge to the ukulele.

Picking and strumming:

"The best area of the strings for picking is between the sound hole and the end of the finger board"(Burton xiv). i found that when picking the stings over the fingerboard it produces a softer, mellow sound but when i started to pick strings near the hole it produces a twangy like sound to it.I found that its best to pick with your index and thumb for beginners.


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