
Thursday, November 30, 2017

A Dancer's Guide to a Stronger Core

One of the most contributing factors of dancing is strength. Most people see dancing as just moving your body to beats. However, dancing goes a lot deeper than that. There are technical moves such as turns that are apart of routines that dancers learn. In order to execute these moves well, you need to have strength coming from your core. I always heard about this but I never really considered doing workouts to gain the strength that is needed. Not having the amount of muscle I needed was holding me back from improving my technique. I started going to physical therapy for my hips, knees and back, in eighth grade and just recently got out. While I was going, I received a packet full of exercises to help strengthen my back. 

The following exercise is one I learned from my physical therapist that helps me work on my core. "This exercise is called the crunch (shown below)" (ATI, 3). To do this workout, you first need to lay down on your back on a flat surface. Then, bend your knees and either have your arms crossed across your chest or behind your head. Lift your shoulder blades off the ground and "crunch" your abdomen upwards, hold, then go back down. Repeat this until you feel like you've gotten the workout you need (ATI, 3). This exercise has helped me gain strength in my core, so I can improve my turning ability. 

Do you think that core strength has an impact on dancing?
ATI, PT. Strengthening Exercises.


  1. Yes! Core strength is the basis of much of dance. All turns and balance revolve around the center of someone's core and the alignment of your spine. Having a weak core makes dancing seem sloppy and nothing is held together. Especially in parts of ballet, such as an arabesque or any sort of leg extension to the front, side or back, you must have a strong core or you will overuse your hip-flexers or your back wont be supported. Thus resulting in a lower leg and a ruined line.

    1. I completely agree. Ballet is the basis of all styles of dance and all dance technique.

  2. 100% core strength has an impact on any athletic endeavor, but I would think it was especially relevant for a dancer who is concerned with balance (primarily requiring an active core) and maintaining posture. A weak core will also lead to injures in any kind of sport, dance included.

    1. Thanks for your comment! Core strength is what you need to have good balance and posture which is needed to be precise with dancing. I also agree, from personal experience, not having core strength definitely can cause serious injuries in all sports.

  3. Definitely, maintaining a strong core is huge in dance. A lot of the time you have to maintain a strong core while doing a variation of complex moves. I think crunches are an excellent way to focus on abdominal strength. Strength in technique is something that every dancer is consistently working on. My question is, How often do you think one should focus on their strength training?

    1. Great question! I think one should try and work out as much as possible in order to maintain and gain core strength. Every day, or every other day, is the best option, if possible. However, strength in all parts of you body is needed so make sure to workout your other muscles also!
