
Saturday, December 30, 2017

myths in losing body fat and becoming leaner

There are many myths when is comes to losing body fat and trying to reach that perfect body physique that so many people try to achieve. The biggest myth and a very big mistake people make when trying to become leaner is that if you do a ton of cardio it will automatically lose fat and make your progress towards your goal of a perfect body. If you go to the gym you will often see people trying to lose weight by spending all of their time on an elliptical, treadmill, or some other cardio machine. "Cardio can enhance fat loss in two ways-burning calories and speeding up your metabolic rate... Your body burns a certain number of calories regardless of nay physical activity, and this is called your basal metabolic rate (BMR)... When your metabolism is said to speed up or slow down what this means is your BMR has gone up or down" (Matthews 34). What Matthews explains here is very important to know when doing any cardio workouts. Another important thought to remember that Matthews mentions is that cardio workouts will mean nothing if you do not eat correctly. Lets say you eat 600 calories more than you body has burned off for the day, so you go on a run for 30 minutes which will burn around 300 calories. Then with the "after effect" of cardio workouts your body will burn off another 100 calories. That means you still have around 200 calories over your expenditure which can actually make you gain weight. (Matthews 38) This is the answer to when people say "I can never lose weight no matter what I do"

In my personal experience with cardio, I have made these mistakes and have fallen for these myths. Cardio and lifting play big roles in my workout routine because I need to stay lean and agile for sports, but now that I know how to eat right I can really see a difference faster. 
Did you fall for any of these myths and will you change your cardio and diet routine?

Matthews, Michael. Bigger Leaner Stronger: the Simple Science of Building the Ultimate Male Body. Oculus Media Group Llc, 2015.


  1. Hello Kyler. This is a very well structured and advised post. You seem very motivated and dedicated to exercising and being healthy. I am blogging about life long developments on mindsets to stay healthy. I can connect the idea that in my blog post you have to be dedicated to be able to experience the act of staying healthy. In your blog post I can connect to my blog post of the idea that there is science behind exercise in to become healthy. When you state “ The biggest message and a very big mistake people make when trying to become leader is that if you do a ton of cardio it will automatically lose fat and make you progress towards your goal of a perfect body.” That sentence connects to both our blog posts by having to develop dedication towards your mindset of motivation to make yourself be able to stay healthy/become leaner. One question I would have to ask is, how can you make a plan to a healthy/leaner lifestyle on a busy/full schedule but still manage your time successfully?

    1. Thank you for the comment and questions Kyle. I do take working out and eating healthy as a part of my lifestyle, it helps me clear my mind and relieve stress. Also i love the feeling of accomplishing something. And yes there is a solution to the question you asked "how can you make a plan to a healthy/leaner lifestyle on a busy/full schedule but still manage your time successfully?" The answer is in Michael Matthews book when he says "As the old saying goes, the bes5 diet is the one you can follow." So if you find a healthy, protein filled diet that you can stay loyal too, you will be successful.
