
Saturday, December 30, 2017

How Getting the Right Amount of Sleep Keeps You Healthy

Do you have trouble falling asleep? Do you go to sleep easily but wake up repeatedly throughout the night? Do you find it hard to drag yourself out of bed in the morning? Does your mom or dad tell you stories about how you sleepwalked or snored loudly throughout the night?

If so, all of these problems can lead to decreased brain function and a second rate body. A second rate body is when your brain develops a lesser quantity and quality of the action. For example, if your brain desires five hours of sleep a night you are incorrect because the requirements for each age group of humans lifetime are different. On average each human being needs around 7 to 14 hours of sleep a night. If your body does not correctly adjust to these amounts of sleep, you are in debt of developing a loss of sleep creating an unhealthy environment for your body.

From the text Change Your Brain Change Your Body by Daniel Amen, in chapter 10 under the sleep solution, Amen states, “ having a static function of sleep hours throughout your life can discreetly sprain function and lower positive health. Getting less than six hours of sleep a night has been associated with lower overall brain activity, which can affect your weight, your skin, your mood, your Health and your athletic performance” (Amen 196). He stated a direct response from the four questions I directed at the start of the post. Amen is implying that getting less sleep develops your body to change physically and actively in decreasing your success in staying healthy in all standards. Sleeping the correct amount of hours for your age Is essential for positive health.

I’ve noticed throughout the 15 years of my life that developing a procedure for yourself at the start of the day when you wake up can change how you act throughout the day. It will also change your mindset to arrange a fulfilling success to your health standards. An example of this would be right when you wake up in the morning on a Sunday before you have a full week of work/education, plan out what you will be doing throughout the week each day and the order of that. Then scale out the amount of workload that is needed for each day. If you believe that you need extra energy for certain days go to bed an extra hour or 30 minutes early that night before. If you are a teenager like me I have also noticed that going to bed early helps you be fully energized, educated,Happy and non-deteriorated. If you successfully get the correct amount of hours of sleep for your age, there is no doubt that you will feel energized and have enough energy for the workload you are doing that day.

Amen starts another chapter by stating, “Rest your brain for a slimmer shape and smoother skin” (Amen 195).
This sentence starter develop me to think of the time when I needed to study for finals Freshman year. Two weeks ahead from the date I was going to take finals I created a procedure of what I was going to do to be successful for finals. Are used my mindset skills to create a list of every day study tools to use and how to use them. I first created the tools then I used them the second week. To fully be successful one of the major components was studying and eating healthy but another one was rather getting enough sleep. Every night for two weeks before the final date for finals I forced myself to be in bed every day at 9:00 PM. So obviously I had to study before that so usually I would do at 8:00 PM. I did that for the two weeks and I became very successful my freshman year. And I do advise myself to do that for my sophomore year this year too.

In addition Amen then informs, “ good sleep is essential for optimal brain and body health. Is involved in rejuvenating all the cells in your body, gives brain cells a chance to repair themselves and activates neuronal connections that might otherwise deteriorate due to inactivity. Temporary sleep issues are even more common and will affect almost everyone of us at some point in our lifetime” (Amen 195).

This reflects the procedure that I used for finals completely. Basically if you and your body can cooperate and desire yourself to get the right amount of sleep by using your Brain to think. You will have the dedication of the ideas to keep a healthy body by getting the correct amount of sleep. Getting the correct amount of sleep is a very essential rock in the ocean.
If you don’t get the right amount of sleep you can develop the illness of sleep deprivation, which is the situation or condition of suffering lack of sleep. This is caused by laziness. And if you use laziness to not get the right amount of sleep you can develop sleepiness throughout your day, less energy to do stuff, no changes, difficulty concentrating, poor performance, memory and thinking problems, disorientation and disruption of sleep cycle.
Do you want to have this disruption in your lifetime?
If you would not like this large cycle of disoriented problems, I would advise getting the right amount of sleep as an essential key component of your daily procedures.

Amen, Daniel G. The Brain-Body SolutionChange Your Brain, Change Your Body: Use Your Brain to Get the Body You Have Always Wanted, Piatkus, 2012.


  1. I knew that not getting enough sleep was never good for your body but i was never aware of the causes it would have though out the day, Good job going into more detail it was interesting to read mostly cause it just basically woke me up to negative effects.

    1. Hello Mattley! Thank you for looking into my blog post about “How getting the right amount of sleep keeps you healthy.” I appreciate your thoughts about how not getting the right amount of sleep creates you to develop unhealthy aspects towards your self. There are definitely more negative affects than positive effects about getting low amounts of sleep. If you develop the mindset of thinking hmm, I have a test tomorrow maybe get in a couple hours of extra sleep will change my mood. Developing those simple dedication applications can definitely support your health and success in life.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hi Kyle! This blog was very helpful and I totally agree that we should have a certain amount of sleep hours per night. This also helps with looking healthy and keeping your skin healthy as well. Getting enough sleep helps you feel more happy and healthy. Thanks for the great tips!

    1. Thank you Janell for looking into my blog post! It is very true that you need certain amounts of sleep to fully generate energy throughout the day.
