
Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Hard Work

Hard Work

Misty Copeland started ballet when she was thirteen, usually when you are someone of her stature you would expect them to start at possibly 5 or 6. I started dance when I was 3 and have been doing it to this day. Misty Copeland started dancing "Later" than the usual age so she knew that she had a lot of work to do if she was going to catch up.

Hard Work, to Copeland starts with determination and aspiration. if you don't have the mindset needed to achieve something you aren't getting anywhere and you wont get any better. if you want to excel then it all starts with you believing you can. Misty, like i said before, was places in a ballet class at the age of thirteen which is a very old age to be put into something. she could've just given up and said that she will never be as good as all of the other students in her class, but she kept persevering and she succeeded her dream. Secondly she believes that Practicing is probably the most important part of working hard. If you learned something and you go home and do it by yourself a few times you'll get better at it quicker because you will constantly be working on it and it will soon become apart of your muscle memory and it wont be as hard. But if you decide to not practice it then the process of you getting better will be a lot slower because instead of you doing it a lot so that it gets retained quicker you wait until you go back to class so its almost like your relearning something. Misty with a lot of practice at home and at the studio.

Lastly Misty says that not only is hard work an important process and a lot of things can go into it but there is nothing like the outcome that comes from hard work. If your constantly doing your absolute best than you will see a change in your  and so will everyone else.


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